Sunday, January 9, 2011

32 weeks & 3 days

I think I am definately ready to STOP growing. She can continue as long as I dont have to, haha. About 7 or so weeks to go!
* I am definately a lot more tired lately again.
* Putting on my shoes, socks, or even touching my feet is now an aerobic workout. I live in flip flops. Solves all problems.
* We toured the hospital and birthing area this week. Getting pretty realistic!
* I am SO excited for upcoming baby showers. I cant wait to celebrate her with other family, friends and mommas! (Some of my random pregger facts may be good to know....) :o)
* Pregnancy cravings have pretty much subsided for now. The thing I craved most while pregnant was definately sandwiches. The weirdest thing was lemons.
* I dont want to even talk about weight gain. Or stretch marks. Ever. Im ready to hop back on the treadmill and run.
*One of my favorite parts of pregnancy is feeling her move around. And shopping for her little itty bitty things. Babies R Us is my new favorite store.
* We have anywhere form 5-8 weeks until she is here. That is crazy and exciting all at once!

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