Saturday, May 26, 2012

Edible Playdoh

Maybe it is the teacher in me, but I am so excited that Grace is at an age where I can really dive into educational playtime! I love finding ways to introduce her to new sensory learning - texture, tastes, motor skills, experiences - she has so much fun! I sometimes forget that she is only 14 months, but then at the same time, she is 14 months...never too early to learn and try new things!

Since she also likes to eat/taste absolutely everything still, I try to make many of the crafts edible if I can to prevent her from eating chemicals. I loved this recipe for edible playdoh and she ate a little and played a lot. She had fun learning how to squish it, pat it, tear it, make shapes and use cookie cutters in it.

Equal parts Peanut Butter, Honey and Instant Dry Milk.
Then add more dry  milk and flour to thicken it and make it less sticky to whatever consistency you like.
Make sure it is stored in an airtight container when not in use. I would toss and make new after a week or so.

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